Press release 01/2017
News about the Moulding Expo 2017, 30.5. – 2.6.2017
Three business divisions ZK-Automation, ZK-Software and ZK-EDM have been restructured
The Company Zimmer&Kreim GmbH & Co. KG has already been restructured internally and externally in the core divisions Software, Automation/Handling and EDM (vertical erosion) for several years. As of 2017, the divisions will operate on the market in a more and more independent way. For this purpose own division brands are created: ZK-Automation, ZK-Software and ZK-EDM.
In future, the division brands will communicate the own abilities in a more targeted way and at the same time have the overall competence inter-divisionally at their disposal as effective, in-house resource. “We are fortunate to be uniquely positioned with this portfolio” – states Armand Bayer, Managing Director of Zimmer&Kreim. “The tasks of our customers, however, become more and more specific, which encouraged us to combine our special skills more effectively in order to faster offer the customers the correct solution.”
ZK-EDM: Convincing technology
The combination of modular construction, sophisticated control technology and simple, intuitive programme software distinguishes the ZK vertical eroding machines from all other manufacturers. These unique characteristics are combined in the division designation ZK-EDM and communicated in a targeted way.
High flexibility of the control and erosion programmes
“The fact that machines are up-to-date in terms of hardware, precise and robust today is no longer a purchase criterion”, says Michael Huth, Head of Sales and Marketing of Zimmer&Kreim. “Flexibility and customer-oriented adjustments of the machines – without great effort – is what clearly distinguishes us.” In this respect the ZK machines are definitely ahead of the competition. The intelligent pulse-modulated generator technology IPMtec of all ZK machines is flexible and “open”. In principle this means higher flexibility in individual tasks.
Here are 3 examples:
- The processing of prepared orders can be interrupted at any point and at any time without loss of time. The intelligent software ensures that you can continue processing directly from the interruption point when continuing the planned jobs.
- Every ZK machine can erode manually via the handwheel. An important aspect for reworking workpieces within the frame of repair measures (without data comparison).
- The intelligent control allows synchronously controlling 8 axes as eroding axes. A clear advantage for processing complex geometries or free forms.
Highest erosion performance and accuracy with all material pairs
Whether graphite processing, carbide or copper – the generator control displays its full power and delivers the best eroding results with all material pairs. Wear in case of graphite processing tends towards zero, with a higher erosion performance at the same time. Finest surface qualities of up to Ra 0.1 μm with the least marginal zone influence – are also no problem. But also the processing with copper, e.g. during polishing erosion or wear of the smallest components is equal to zero – thanks to the intelligent control of the machines.
Wear-free final dimension tuning in case of graphite
The new ZK eroding strategy “Finishing at final dimension” also delivers convincing results. It is used for component modifications or minimum edge wear, if contours must be replenished, or in case of multiple processing with graphite electrodes which show too high wear. The finishing at final dimension sets new standards with regard to quality, time saving and wear.
The results speak for themselves
There is no such thing as standstill. The team of developers of Zimmer&Kreim does not only continuously optimise the control and the programming software, but ZK also does not shun the comparison to the competition for test erosions with the most diverse materials. A proof for these results and test series will be published timely for the Moulding Expo as a new booklet ZK-EDM and will be available to all visitors. “We know that our machines are among the best on the market, we only must communicate this more clearly”, says Armand Bayer in confirmation of this approach.
The fair visitors now have the best opportunity to evaluate this. At the Moulding Expo in May/June in Stuttgart, Hall 5, Stand C 56.